Everyone has dreams and desires, and that includes people experiencing intellectual disabilities. When it comes to supporting them, there are lots of ways to help them achieve their goals and find employment in today's job market. It's all about providing the right resources, opportunities, and encouragement.
Action Plan
The first step in finding employment is to come up with an action plan. Some key questions to identify with the person you are supporting include:
Where do you want to work?
What skills do you need to develop to work in your dream job?
Are there any courses you can take to help prepare you for the job?
Do you have a resume ready?
When you have come up with an action plan, and know exactly which steps to take first, finding employment becomes much more achievable.
Employing Person's with Intellectual Disabilities
If you are an employer reading this blog page, welcome! We are so excited to share some ways that you can support people with intellectual disabilities.
By providing employment opportunities to individuals with intellectual disabilities, you are not just making a difference in their lives, but also fostering a more inclusive and vibrant community. Together, we can create a community where all people's unique talents and abilities are valued and celebrated.
Hiring people with intellectual disabilities can bring a fresh perspective to your team. A more inclusive work place can improve company culture in so many ways. When people of different backgrounds and abilities come together, it creates a rich culture of belonging, respect, and understanding among employees. An inclusive workplace is like a big potluck, where everyone brings a unique dish to the table.
There are so many ways to support an individual to find employment, but the very first step starts with each of us. It starts with spreading awareness and advocating for individuals. Encourage local businesses to consider hiring individuals with disabilities, or volunteer to help provide training about the job market. The goal is to come together as a community and celebrate everyone's unique talents and gifts. Let's work together to create a more inclusive and diverse work force!