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2024 Recap

Gravelbourg Bon Ami had a fantastic year in 2024! We started off the new year by hosting Person Centered Planning meetings in January. The participants all had a chance to invite their close friends and families to their meetings and plan for their goals. This planning process is an excellent way to ring in the new year and set our focus!

In February, one of our participants, Duane, got a work experience at the local Co-op. He was so excited to begin the work experience, and enjoyed getting to see the faces of the community members while he was working.

We also hosted a Valentine's Day Dance on February 14th at the Day Program. The participants had a blast making their own pizzas and listening to live music from Chad Tremblett!

Beginning in February, Gravelbourg Bon Ami, Inc. also took over the walking program at the Parish Hall, and made sure to open the hall every afternoon for all community members to have a safe walking place in the winter months.

In March, we had our first Garage Sale of 2024. We had an excellent turn out and had a lot of fun preparing for it. We also celebrated St. Patricks day this month, and did lots of crafts in celebration!

April 2024 was the start of our new Fiscal Year. We had a lot of fun doing crafts and preparing for the warm spring weather.

May 2024 was a busy month for all of us at the Agency. One of our major events included Disability Support Worker Week! This year, we celebrated with a draw and a team building activity for the employees. This is one of our favorite weeks of the year!

We also visited the Public Works shop and saw the equipment that is used to keep the town beautiful.

In June, we hosted our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament. This was such a fun day, and the participants all had a great time volunteering for the event. Thank you again to everyone who came out to support our 2nd Golf tournament.

July was the start of our summer holidays, and IPI Day Program closed for 3 weeks to allow for some summer fun for all the employees and participants at IPI.

August was time for our 2nd garage sale of 2024. We raised $3375.00 from this sale! The participants spent the month setting up for the garage sale, and swimming at the Gravelbourg pool and Shamrock park.

September was another busy month as we continued to take advantage of the warm weather! The participants from the group home enjoyed visiting the Western Development Museum in Moose Jaw!

October was GREAT! Of course, everyone celebrated Thanksgiving and Halloween. The participants had a wonderful time at a Halloween party we hosted at the Day Program.

In November, we held our 3rd and final garage sale of 2024, and our annual trade sale. We had a great time setting up for this event. The participants also had support in voting in the local election during November.

We closed the year celebrating for Christmas. We had a great Christmas party for the staff and for the participants.

We accomplished so much during 2024, and we can't thank the community enough for their endless support of our Agency. We also must thank our AMAZING employees for everything that they do each day with our participants.

Cheers to 2025!

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